Photo: J.A.W Photography

Photo: J.A.W Photography

You can train with Christian on Thursday:

6:15-7:00pm Advanced Company Choreography
7:00-7:45pm Advanced Company Technique

**Private lessons available upon request.


The first dance class Christian was enrolled in, at four years old, was a Tap class, and though he didn’t realize it at the time, Tap would soon become the art form he loved. He initially withdrew when he was seven, and didn’t pick it up again until again he was ten, but his shoes haven’t come off since.  Starting off at Annemarie’s Dance Academy in Orangeville, where he solidified his base, he quickly discovered the Tap Dance Centre, and began training there when he was thirteen with Everett Smith and David Cox. He soon started training under all of the faculty at TDC such as Andrew Prashad, Mackenzie Greenwell, Ryan Foley, Johnny Morin, Travis Knights, and Revolving Door artists Danny Nielsen, Lisa La Touche, Allison Toffan, and more. He continued to emerge himself in Tap by taking advantage of other education opportunities such as the Chicago Human Rhythm Project, where he got his first real taste of live improvisation at their Jazz Showcase.  While furthering his ability as a technical, rhythmic, and entertaining tap dancer under those educators, he also applied those skills dancing in dozens of productions, travelling with Team Canada, hosting arts events, and busking.  Christian then set his sights at honing his teaching craft. He obtained control of his first tap program at Citrus Dance Inc in Orangeville when he was sixteen, and has gone on to teach and choreograph challenging and entertaining routines for many studios since.  Overall, Christian has earned a reputation as an eccentric and engaging Tapper who, above all, takes pride in instilling a love of tap dance to all who will listen.